October 7, 2010

So many Pies...So little time!

Yay!  I remembered to take out my turkey today!!  When hubbie came home from work this morning at 4am - he even wrote me a "Take out the Turkey" note and put it on the kitchen counter so that I would see it when I got up.  I guess my reputation precedes me!  HaHa!

So now that the turkey is taken care of, we need to move on to more important things - DESSERT!!!  I am truthfully not a huge dessert person - but I LOVE pies!! 

I've been scouring the internet for some new and yummy pie recipies and have narrowed my search down to these three (click on the titles to see the recipies):

We definately will be needing all three I think!!  I usually have my daughter help with the pie making - it's a tradition we have made the last couple of years!

Can't wait to eat!!! 

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October 6, 2010

Don't forget to take out the Turkey!!!!

That is what I have written on 3 post-it notes around my house!!!  For the size turkey that I have bought for Turkey Day - it requires me to take it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge for 3 full days.  That means I cannot forget tomorrow to take it out!  I have SUCH a bad memory and while on the go with daily Mommy busyness - I KNOW I will forget!!

This makes me think things in my life that I have forgotten to "take out" in my life and transfer it to a 'holding place' until it is ready to be used?

Insecurity, doubt, defensiveness, are just a few things that I retain in me that I have to remember to take out of my heart and place them into God's hands for them to be softened and turned from the ugliness that they are into Beauty and Freedom and especially Peace!!

That is what I will be taking out during this Turkey Season!!  What about you?